A beautifully illustrated book on European heraldry, showing that many of the primary emblems of this people have their origin in the ancient Hebrew tribes. An in-depth look is made into Hebrew heritage itself, and particularly the emblems of each of the twelve tribes of Israel, showing their primary and secondary symbols. A striking correlation is then made with various nations and tribes today whose ancient heraldry matches precisely that of the Israelites. The author shows that this is not by coincidence, for heraldry is an ancient system of identification. This book by historian W.H. Bennett is profusely illustrated throughout with over 230 maps, charts, and original drawings, most in full colour. First published in 1976, it is now well into its third printing, and is still the best study on this subject available today!
This fascinating book contains a total of 232 illustrations—most in full color—of European heraldry and its connection with the twelve tribes of the Biblical Israelites. Although the book’s main focus is on Celto-Saxon heraldic symbols, it covers a broad section of the nations of Europe. The author, Mr. W.H. Bennett, made this a lifetime of study involving countless hours of research involving towns, counties, boroughs, and nations all across Europe from Iceland to Lithuania. The result is a beautiful and informational guide showing a Biblical origin for many of those tribes who entered Europe from Asia and the Mideast in the early Christian centuries.
Heraldry is an important statement of family history. In past centuries, even families who could not read identified themselves and their forebears by heraldic emblems. In fact, an excellent summary statement for this book is the author’s affirmation of “heraldry…as a key to history.”
The author asks, “Did you ever wonder where nations get their emblems and coats-of-arms, why the Lion and the Unicorn hold such a prominent place in British heraldry and why the Lion in the Royal Arms has a Crown and the Unicorn has not? Did you know the origin and significance of the Irish Harp, the Red Lion of Scotland, the Red Hand of Ulster, the Arms of Westminster and the Twelve Jewels on the Crown of St. Edward?
“And what of the emblems of the United States? Who first used the Eagle, the Olive Branch, a Cloud and a number of Arrows as emblems; and what is the significance of the Sun, the Moon and the thirteen Stars on the Great Seal and on the President’s Flag?
“Then there are the ancient emblems of the Netherlands. Why do they also have the Lion and in some provinces the Unicorn, as well as a Ship with a Lion at the helm? What is the origin of the Man in the heraldry of Greece, Denmark, Iceland, the Netherlands and some of the Scottish clans? From whence came the White Horse of Lithuania and Westphalia, and the Lions of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Belgium and Luxembourg?
“Are you aware that these and many other emblems of Britain, the United States and the other Celto-Saxon nations are identical with the tribal, national and royal emblems of ancient Israel? …Why then do we use the emblems and symbols of this ancient and long-lost people, and how did they come to us?”
In his opening chapters, Mr. Bennett explains the purpose and use of heraldic emblems. Their use in ancient Israel extends back before the Exodus. In Genesis chapter 49, the Patriarch Jacob gave a set of prophecies covering each of his twelve sons and their descendants down to the latter days of this age. As the author states, “Jacob likened each of his sons to some object, animal or personal characteristic, which then became his emblem and the emblem of the family and tribe descended from him.” (p. 22) From that time forward, the Israelites marched and camped underneath their tribal heraldic banner.
Later in the time of Moses, this biblical heraldry was reinforced with another set of prophecies whose fulfillment mandated a continuing tribal separation down to the present day. Although the prophetic decrees were augmented with additional pronouncements, the tribal heraldry remained the same.
This heraldry for each tribe of Israel involved primary and secondary emblems, both of which the author explains and illustrates with professionally drawn artwork done specially for this book. The presence of one or both emblems in specific regions of Europe is a good indication of the presence of a particular tribe of Israel there today. It is simply fascinating to see distinct Israel heraldry in county after county of some parts of Europe, as well as across many of the clans of Scotland and Ireland.
In a chapter entitled, “Israel’s Royal Symbols,” the author explores the heraldry of the two Israel nations: the ten-tribe House of Israel and the two-tribe House of Judah. These emblems included the ancient stag or unicorn of Israel, the lion of Judah, and the Shield or Star of David. The author shows the continuation of these ancient emblems by their descendants in the world today.
The tremendous amount of research in this book is presented with richly colored artwork on nearly every other page. The reader will also be enlightened to many facets of Biblical heraldic symbols that are little known and whose source is little understood today. Some of these more obscure subjects include the emblems of Zara-Judah, the ancient Priesthood and Civil Service, and the heraldry of the British Crown of St. Edward.
This book includes twenty interesting chapters on Biblical heraldic symbols as found in our world today. It contains 210 pages hardcover with a color dust jacket. We believe that you will treasure this book. Readers will undoubtedly spend many enjoyable hours perusing through its beautiful artwork, and learning more about the source of the heraldry found throughout the nations of Europe today. (Place your cursor on the thumbnail photos above to read some sample pages.)
Table of Contents:
Symbols of Our Heritage
The Purpose of Heraldic Emblems
The Servant Race and Nation
The Twelve Tribes of Israel
The Tribal Emblems—Part One
The Tribal Emblems—Part Two
The Brigade Emblems
Israel’s National Emblems
The Stone Symbol
Israel’s Royal Emblems
The Emblems of Zara-Judah
The Emblems of the Priesthood and the Civil Service
Israel Emblems in the United States
The Significance of Israel Emblems in Europe
Israel Emblems in the Netherlands
Israel Emblems in Scandinavia
Israel Emblems in Some Other Countries
The Crown of St. Edward
NOTE: W.H. Bennett also authored the companion book, “The Story Of Celto-Saxon Israel,” which we also offer for purchase in hardbound and softbound editions. These two books make a nice set of information on the two houses of Israel in our modern world. See the book descriptions under “Hebrew Heritage Books” on this website for more information.