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Bible Blessings Christian Resources
Founded in 1933 as The Royal Oak Michigan Bible Society



         Bible Blessings Christian Resources publishes and distributes books and other inspirational materials on important Biblical themes. Our early history began in 1933 as the Royal Oak, Michigan, Bible Society, and was a Christian response to a desperate Spiritual need of the times. As the terrible Great Depression sank Michigan and much of the world into gloom and despair, an earnest local group of Christians from a number of different denominations rose into action. Realizing the tremendous need to help the thousands of individuals and families suffering from this great societal tragedy, they organized, and operated simply and humbly as a Bible Society. A plan of action was quickly developed. They began organizing food drives, weekly Sunday noon Gospel radio broadcasts on the old WEXL station, delivered encouraging Christian tracts and literature, and held Bible studies and worship on Main Street in central downtown Royal Oak. The old Masonic Auditorium in the midst of the city, which today is a designated historic site, was the focus of public meetings for worship and food distribution that took place for several years on Saturday evenings. Attendance grew until WWII took most of the men away to war. Efforts continued even during those dark and worrisome days, however, with energetic support for blood drives and fund raising for the Red Cross war effort.

       More recently in time of relative peace and calm, it has been our privilege to assist some excellent independent Christian authors in getting their work into the hands of the public. Assistance has included such various tasks as research, editing, and/or publishing for authors such as W.H. Bennett, Dr. Stephen E. Jones, and Steven M. Collins. A selection of these books is available for purchase on this website and we are confident that you will not only enjoy them, but also grow in grace and knowledge, as you read the resources available on this book site.

       Our focus is on the central themes of Scripture, including salvation, reconciliation, moral law, and Hebrew Biblical history. The books we distribute are not the emotional fluff that seems so popular today, but filled with plenty of great research to guide the reader to a better understanding of the deeper teachings of the Bible. We hope that you will visit our sister website at www.israelite.info for well-researched online studies into Hebrew history and other subjects, including reviews and synopses of the well-written four-book Hebrew history series we offer by author Steven M. Collins. You can also benefit from visiting Mr. Collins’ blog concerning current world events: See the links page on this website for information on that and other recommended sites.

       We have now celebrated well over three-quarters of a century of providing religious resources to God's People everywhere. We are an inspirational publisher, providing unique Christ-centered books and materials that are a blessing to all the earth. Our criteria include providing substantive material, encouraging to the reader, upholding the validity of God’s Word, and faithful to the teaching of Scripture. Although the individual authors are responsible for views expressed, we eschew any books or materials critical of any race, religion, or nationality, and make painstaking efforts to be sure that you are blessed by what you receive from us. Thank you for your business and may God’s blessings be upon you!

       If you have any difficulties with our on-line payment system, you may contact at orders@bibleblessings.net. Unfortunately we do not take phone orders

       We also confirm our e-mail on-line orders each day, package well, and ship daily. Contact us with any questions by phone or email. See our secure, spam-free email portal on the “Contact Us” page. Thank you for your support in our efforts to enlighten, encourage, and educate others. May God bless you all!   




Post Office Box 1778
Royal Oak, Michigan 48068-1778
United States of America
Questions: Phone 248-2248631
Email: Use Our Spam-Free Contact Us Form