Bible Blessings Christian Resources
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Purchase your selections with confidence on our secure on-line payment system using Mastercard, VISA, or Discover. Quantity orders of many items are also available at a significant discount. There is a 10% “set discount” for the four-volume Collins series on Hebrew history. A "split case" of ten or more copies receives a 30% discount, and a full case of books receives a 40% discount. Visit our "Multiple Copy Discounts" page (on left under categories) for details and order securely on-line.
Order payment: Please note that we are not able to take credit card information over the telephone; all credit card orders must be placed online using our secure payment system. For those who prefer, orders may be sent to us by mail with payment by check or money order in U.S. funds. Be sure to include the shipping cost, which can be calculated for you on this website. Please do not send us email orders; payment must be made at time of order.
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Hardcopy Booklist is available upon request; please contact us for a free copy.
Bible Blessings has quite an interesting history and we invite you to select the “About Us” tab above to enjoy learning more about us, and how we came about. We have been proclaiming the Word of God and the Gospel of Christ since our founding in 1933 during the Great Depression. As a Christian publisher, we have also developed a deeply-felt “Statement of Faith” which you can read by selecting that tab as well.
Our popular selection of books on Hebrew History (see Categories on top left) includes Christian authors Steven M. Collins (of the former Worldwide Church of God) and the late W.H. Bennett (a long-time member of the Royal Geographic Society of Great Britain). You can read some well-written book summaries for both authors on our sister site at
We plan to add additional resources in the near future, including “Rare books” and a good selection of out-of-print “Used books” covering both historical and religious subjects. Please visit us often to see our latest offerings.
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