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Hebrew Heritage Books

Pastor Brooks, writer, teacher, and Bible Blessings research editor, discusses in this video the migrations of the lost tribes of the Biblical House of Israel. The books offered on this page are on the Biblical history of the Hebrew people in the Old Testament, and Christian history in the New Testament. Learn about the covenant promises of the Bible and your place in God's plan! We present these books by two of the leading modern scholars of the Two Houses of Israel, Steven M. Collins and W.H. Bennett. Click on a picture to bring up the information page. Also see the categories "Classic Studies" for older works, "Autographed Books" for signed copies, and "Multiple Copy Discounts" for special quantity prices. Further information on the Biblical and historical background to these books, may be accessed at the AngloIsrael.info and Israelite.info websites.

We have books by some of the leading authors on the subject of Israel in Bible prophecy. One of the authors is W.H. Bennett, who studied this subject for fifty years and was a member of the Antiquarian Society of Great Britain. His book, “Symbols Of Our Celto-Saxon Heritage,” is published on glossy paper with beautiful artwork on almost every other page. This book gives pictorial evidence that cities, counties, towns, villages and nations all across Europe have Israel symbolism in their heraldry, showing their connection with ancient Israel. His companion book, “The Story Of Celto-Saxon Israel,” deals specifically with twelve early tribes that entered Europe from Asia and how each of these tribes had Hebrew cultural connections with ancient Israel in language, dress, and so many other ways. Another author is Steven M. Collins who has written books on the subject of “The Origins and Empire of Ancient Israel” dealing with Israel’s early history. The story continues on in the book “Israel’s Lost Empires” during the time of Kings David and Solomon, and discusses Israel’s migrations westward across the Mediterranean. His third book “Parthia: The Forgotten Ancient Superpower and Its Role in Biblical History” deals with Israel’s migrations eastward and about the Magi from the East that came to Jerusalem and Bethlehem after the time of Christ’s birth. Lastly, the book “Israel’s Tribes Today,” deals with the twelve tribes of Israel and which nations they are in the world today. The Bible told us in Genesis chapter 35, verse 11 that Israel would become “a company of nations.” And Genesis 17, verses five and six, also say that Israel would become “many nations”—each of these tribes were to become nations in their own right. Who are these nations in the world today? These books deal with that subject. Find your place in God’s plan! Learn about Israel in Bible prophecy and the fulfillment of the prophecies to God’s people in our world today—a wonderful subject! We invite you to look over the books we have for sale, and thanks for visiting Bible Blessings Christian Resources.

Read our BLOG on the menu ribbon above for our latest historical study on "The Biblical DNA of the British Isles."

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New 2024 printings are now available of Story of Celto-Saxon Israel (softcover) and Israel's Tribes Today!